Happy New Year everyone! I know that's about a week late but today is the first day in about a week and a half that I feel like I am among the living again. The Pearson girls have been S-I-C-K! It started on Christmas morning when Ella came into our room like a zombie. We had never seen her like that and got up and ready to take her to the ER. Then we brought her downstairs and she saw all the toys Santa had brought and all of a sudden she was revived for a couple of hours. Oh, the power of Santa and toys. But she was still sick. So, what did we do next? Well, of course we drove up to Kentucky and brought our nasty infection with us and passed it on to Chris's family. That's the Christmas spirit! Anyway, I am now at the point where we better be done with being sick for awhile. The house is a mess, the laundry is out of control and we are all sick of sitting around. Just give it a a couple of weeks and someone else is going to be sick again.
We did get one little bit of happiness this week when it snowed here in Atlanta. I know this is nothing for you people up north but give us southeners a break. We hardly ever see the white stuff and when we do it's a big event and worthy of a blog entry and a couple of pictures. Even though we got less than an inch, the girls loved it.
We did get one little bit of happiness this week when it snowed here in Atlanta. I know this is nothing for you people up north but give us southeners a break. We hardly ever see the white stuff and when we do it's a big event and worthy of a blog entry and a couple of pictures. Even though we got less than an inch, the girls loved it.
This next picture was taken across the street from our house. Our mailman had gotten his truck stuck on the ice in front of our house. He had to call in reinforcements to help push him out and here are the girls peering around me to get a glimpse of the action.
So, it's freezing outside. I think it's about 25 degrees out right now. But that doesn't bother the girls. This is what they were wearing tonight;
Yep, a whole lot of nothing! Hilarious.