Jamie Oliver is my new favorite person. He isn't actually new to me but my love for him has grown over the past couple of months. And no, Chris doesn't mind my love affair with Jamie because he loves him too.
We were first introduced to him almost seven years ago, when a friend of ours gave us a Jamie Oliver cookbook as a wedding gift. Our friend is British and I just thought he was trying to push his British lifestyle on us. I think we may have flipped through the book and then tossed it on the shelf. He definitely wasn't getting much love back then. Then a couple of years ago, Chris got another one of his cookbooks as a gift. Ever so slowly, Chris would make some things from it and they were good. Later, he received another one of his cookbooks and again, practically everything he made from it was awesome. So, this past Christmas I gave Chris Jamie's newest cookbook, Food Revolution.
For the past three months, Chris has pretty much been making all of our dinners from recipes from this book. Everything that he has made has been AWESOME. Seriously, some of the stuff tastes like something I would get in a restaurant. Let me just take this opportunity to say that I am so lucky to have a husband that loves to cook. Not only does he love to cook but he wants to make healthy and nutritious meals for our family. How did I get so lucky? He's a great cook and I love it that he cares so much about the kind of food that we put into our bodies. It's really due to him and his cooking that I have starting to have an appreciation for eating healthy.
Anyway, so I love Jamie for coming up with this cookbook and I love my husband for making us tasty dinners from it. In case you didn't figure it out, we're pretty big fans of Jamie. Well, last Friday Jamie's new show, Food Revolution, debuted on ABC. Jamie set up shop in Huntington, West Virginia, the unhealthiest city in our nation, to help reform their eating habits by working in the schools and educating the community. It's a great show and you should definitely check it out, if you haven't already. Fridays at 9 pm on ABC.

And while you're at it, head on over to Jamie Oliver's website and sign his petition to get better food in our schools. He hopes to get one million people to sign his petition by the end of his tv series (there's only 5 more shows!). He wants to take it to The President and show him that this is an important issue. It takes 20 seconds. So, please click here and sign up. My two little princesses will thank you for it.