Thursday, November 19, 2009

My sweeties

This is how I find Maddie now when I come in to get her in the morning or after her nap. Not sure that this fad is really going to catch on but she doesn't care. In typical Maddie fashion, she does what she wants.

Lately, I have just been in awe of Maddie. It is amazing how much she understands. She is starting to learn the concept of timeout and actually sits in the timeout chair until it is time for her to come out. It's only a minute but I am sure that is a long time for a 17 month old. And when she came out of time out today she said sorry to me. Wow! Yesterday, I turned the light on in the bathroom for her and Ella and she said thank you. Well, it was more like "tan - too" but that is thank you in Maddie language.

It's amazing how much the relationship between Ella and Maddie has changed in the past couple of months. Six months ago, I spent the majority of my time telling Ella not to hit, bite, poke, smack, pinch or perform the Heimlick Maneuver on her sister. I was so worried because I couldn't believe how violent Ella could be at times with her younger sister. I didn't know if she was ever going to grow out of it. Well, I am happy to report that she has. Of course we have the occasional smackdown here and there but it is nothing like it use to be. Now I watch them actually play together. Maddie will get on her wheely bee (that would be a bee that you can ride with wheels attached to it) and Ella will push her around. Or they will sit and build towers with blocks. Anther favorite is dressing up with their tu-tus, fairy wings, and grabbing their purses to go save the princess. The new favorite is playing time out. That's right, Ella places Maddie in time out when she deams that she is doing something inappropriate. Yesterday it was because Maddie was looking out the window.

It's such a joy for me to see them play together. Ella is so sweet to Maddie and is gives me some reassurance that Ella really is going to be a great big sister. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a sister and now I will get to see that special bond that my daughters will have. And the thing that melts my heart the most is that every night before going to bed, Ella gives Maddie a hug and says "Good night little sweetie."

With Thanksgiving only a couple of days away and I begin to reflect on things that Chris and I are so thankful for, I know we are truly blessed to have two little sweeties.

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