Saturday, May 15, 2010


What is a Gungy you ask?  Or maybe you're thinking how on earth do I pronounce Gungy.  I actually just spent the last five minutes trying to figure out how to spell it, so I'm winging it.  

Anyway, this is our little Gungy -


Ella came up with the word Gungy.  I don't know, just one day she starting calling Maddie "Gungy" and the nickname stuck.  I can't even remember when it started, maybe a year ago?  I do remember the first time Ella called her by that name.  Ella loves going to get Maddie when she wakes up from her nap.  She gets really excited and starts jumping up and down when I tell her that Maddie is awake.  One day after I told her Maddie was up, she said, "Hey, let's go get Gungy."  Not really sure if Maddie is going to appreciate that name when she gets older.  Well, she can thank her big sister for that one.  

We're big into nicknames around here right now.  Ella has recently started referring to Chris and myself as Daddy-Tron and Mommy-Tron and of course, Maddie is Gungy-Tron.  Nothing like adding a "tron" onto the back of your name to make you feel special or to make you feel like you should be in the next Transformers movie.  It's pretty catchy because we now sometimes refer to the girls as "The trons."  

Anyway, lots going on with us.  We're in the process of picking a realtor to help us sell this place so we can move.  Yay!!  We've spent the last week cleaning, and donating, and taking things to storage, throwing things away, and cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning.  We have a lot more to do but we've definitely taken some big steps this past week.  

Ella's last day of preschool is next Tuesday. She is ready for summer break.  Not so sure that I am!  

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