Monday, February 9, 2009

The start of something new

When I quit my job a couple of months ago to stay at home with our girls, I quickly realized just how fortunate I was to be able to stay at home with them and be apart of their entire day. I love being home with them. Don't get me wrong - there are definitely days when I wish I could be back behind a desk but those moments come and go and are followed by some priceless moment created by the girls. And so I guess it was these moments that led to the creation of Opidee's Garden. There are so many memories that I feel are slipping away and I wanted a way to capture them. I like to think that I can do a lot but there is no way I get get every cute thing written down or recorded on the video camera. So, I thought that this would be a good solution. Now the normal day to day activities are archived somewhere and not forgotten. Hopefully, you'll get some enjoyment reading it as well.

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