Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 2011!

I rang in the new year up in Kentucky at my in-laws house eating bourbon balls and watching TV.  I didn't even make it till midnight.  The days of staying up to ring in the new year are definitely over.  Who am I kidding, they've been over for a long time!  Yep, that's what happens when you have kids.

So, I may not be able to make it to midnight but I am going to attempt some resolutions this year.  I've never really made any resolutions before but we all have things we can improve on, right?  Here are some of mine:

1)  Take more pictures - My big goal of the year.  I really want to learn more about photography and get better at taking pictures.  I haven't really picked up my camera the past couple of months except for "big" events and I feel like I have missed out on some of those little precious moments.  No more of that.  At the end of the year I want to look back and see some growth in my pictures.   

2)  Cook more - I have a wonderful husband who loves to cook and makes the most delicious and yummy stuff.  I am forever grateful and a very lucky lady.  To be honest, I'm just not really a fan of cooking.  But I want to like it so, I am going to attempt cooking one new meal a month.  I know those of you that cook every night are laughing at my lame attempt but I have to start some where.   I think I can, I think I can.

Those are the two big ones that I want to focus on.  But there are a million other things that are constantly running through my head.  Be more patient with the girls and the hubby.  Save more, spend less.  Stop being such a planner and live more in the moment.  Stop procrastinating.  Eat more fruit and less chocolate, cookies, brownies, and candy.  The list really does seem endless.  I'm not going to try to limit myself and see what happens.  

I better step it up on my resolutions.  It's already the 9th and I've only picked up my camera once this year and so far the closest I've gotten to making a meal is pouring some milk into my honey bunches of oats.  Since I'm slacking on my picture taking, here are two of my favorites that I got of the girls while we were up in Kentucky after Christmas.  

And one with the big man himself.  Both of the girls asked for a train table and a stuffed bear named Bubba.  Ella also requested a baby jaguar and a simba.  Maddie asked for a banana car.  Santa had some difficulties locating the banana car and the baby jaguar but he came through with everything else.

And our Christmas card picture for 2010.

And you can add on blogging more on here for another one of my resolutions for 2011. 

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Those are some great resolutions!

And, with such beautiful girls running around, taking more pictures shouldn't be a problem. :)